
What if you could clearly support teachers to heighten their engagement in your school and participate in a positive school culture? MyVoice gives leaders and teachers real-time data to propel collaborative solutions that empower and motivate teachers.

Strengthen teacher voice and promote continuous improvement

Teachers have the greatest impact on the success of every student’s learning journey, and they need a healthy school culture to feel supported in their efforts.

MyVoice is an online platform where teachers have voice in rating and improving the culture of their schools. In collaboration with researchers and expert practitioners, MyVoice has defined 10 “School Culture Drivers” and 48 “School Culture Indicators” as contributors to a school’s culture. Using MyVoice, teachers simply and confidentially share their ratings of the school’s progress on each of the indicators.

With MyVoice, you’ll activate the power of school culture through teacher voice and agency to:

  • Access the expertise of teachers to improve instructional practices
  • Develop a collaborative process to identify areas to improve and create innovative solutions
  • Support teachers so they stay in the classroom
  • Demonstrate support for teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic

When teachers have a voice, they feel valued.

Dr. Brian Keefer, Fulton County Schools (GA), shares how MyVoice was a critical component in building trust with teachers and nurturing a positive culture.

See details and share with others.

Support and retain teachers with a collaborative school culture.
Using real-time formative data, MyVoice has allowed for opportunities to create real, meaningful conversations with teachers and explore solutions that will lead to new ways of thinking. Knowing the importance of supportive leadership, teachers and administrators can work together to seek and implement solutions for our student's academic success and teachers' growth and development. By doing so, healthy school culture is created, and teachers are less likely to leave their profession knowing they are heard and understood.”
Robbie P. Hooker, Ph.D.
Social Circle City Schools (GA)

Learn more about MyVoice.