Analysis of over 1,000 global K-12 accreditation reviews reveals schools excel at building positive cultures but need stronger systems for professional development and continuous improvement. Read the data story. …
Ranked in the bottom 5% of performance in North Dakota, Mandaree School District partnered with Cognia in developing a strategic improvement plan to address the needs of this culturally-resilient, economically disadvantaged community….
Carmen Schools in Milwaukee, WI, adopted Cognia Interim Assessments leading to improved rigor, better data-driven planning, and increased student performance. Read the case study….
To address the root causes of performance discrepancies and improve student outcomes, Jefferson County Schools expanded their long-standing partnership with Cognia through a Diagnostic Review model….
In this Cognia white paper, CEO Dr. Mark Elgart calls for a new accountability system that leads to improved student learning. Rather than rank schools based on end-of-year tests, we need assessments given in more frequent intervals that give students and educators useful feedback on how they are doing with what students actually study. New curriculum-aligned assessments can lead the way….
Explore why Loyola Academy chooses Cognia for accreditation. Learn about their commitment to quality education, data-driven improvement, and enduring partnership….
Data-driven decisions and collaborative leadership play a vital role in school improvement. When teachers are included in the process, culture and student learning improves….
The ND Department of Public Instruction turns a system of silos into a collaborative whole through trusting relationships that spur progress over time….